Current status

I'm printing away now.  I spent a long time rearanging all of the wires, and testing all of the software.  Slic3r is excellent, but it does require a lot of settings to be fine tuned.  I will post many pictures and setup screen shots.

The frame is complete, everything is centered, square, and parallel except for the bed.  All five servo's are installed, and temporarily wired to the ramps.  I went to radio shack for the Arduino Mega rev3 board and picked it up for $65 plus tax.  I downloaded the latest Marlin firmware.  And the latest Arduino software.  This is a mistake.  Do not use the latest (1.01), it won't compile.  Use 0023 version or higher.  Pretty easy to do this.  Just open Marlin.pde, select the Configuration.h tab, and change whatever you need to change.

In my setup these are the values that I've changed, and am using at the moment.

#define BAUDRATE 115200         //I felt that 250000 was a little more susceptible to noise.
#define MOTHERBOARD 33       //For Ramps 1.3 and Ramps 1.4
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 7        //Lutzbot hot end 1.1 w/ 100k Honeywell thermistor 135-104LAG-J01
#define TEMP_SENSOR_BED 1  //EPCOS 100k for the Buda hot end

//note the Z is theoretical, and measured exactly correct.
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT   {81.4830, 81.4830, 2015.7480, 759.9017} 

Compile, then upload.  I then started Repetier-Host and selected the the proper baud rate, and couldn't figure out how to test (BTW you should test without the servo's mounted first).  On the right hand side of the screen is more stuff, make it wider so you can see it.  Select the home all button, if you don't you won't be able to do any negative movements.  Then X +1, then Y +1, then Z + 1.  I still haven't figured out how to test the extruder servo, but I don't have the hot end in yet.  So now I have movement in all 3 axis...  It's bitchin!!!

Time to wire up the hot bed, and put the hot end in.  I'm so close I can taste it.

I now have everything working properly in software.  The configuration for Marlin was a little complicated and took me hours to figure out.  3 files needed to be updated for the setup that I have. To make life easier, I've uploaded them on the SkyDrive

It should rapid move towards the end stops, then retract, then move slowly until it hits the end stops again.  After this you should be able to tell the machine to move +10.  If not you need to compare your configuration to the ones that I uploaded.

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