
After everything else works, there's nothing to do but print.  So I had to look up temperatures for both the hotbed and the extruder.

Wiki helped, as well as other locations

225-250 C, depending on your particular plastic.
Sample temperatures with a Makergear 0.5 mm hotend:
Ultimachine Red ABS: 215 C
Ultimachine Natural ABS: 230C  

Heat Bed: 
100 - 110°C

4032D requires higher temperatures and may need to be set as high as 230°C
4042D should extrude at 190°C
4043D 160-220°C around 180 is a good start (see

Heat Bed:
50 - 60°C

Feed Rate
Next was the feed rate.  The Extruder I have claims 90mm/s is max safe limit, but youtube shows speeds in excess of 200mm/s.  I'll probably start out at 30mm/sec. 

I can 3D print, I can 3D print!!!  Wooohoooooooooo

I set my Z height to .011" ~.3mm, and nothing would stick to the glass.  I tried higher heatbed temps, and that helped only slightly.  Then higher extruder temps.  First 180 deg, then 185, then 190.  That was the ticket.  So in slic3r, I set 190 for the first layer, then 185 for the rest.  Works like a champ.

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